Pohod Osp – grad Socerb – Kastelec – Osp (Hiking Osp – castle Socerb – Kastelec – Osp)
Izjemna razgibanost slovenske pokrajine je kot nalašč pripravljena za odkrivanje njenih vrhov.
Zbor: 15:30 na parkirišču v vasi Osp.
Predviden prihod nazaj: okoli 18:30 na parkirišče v vasi Osp
Zahtevnost: srednje zahtevna označena pot (3 ure hoje)
Obvezna oprema: Planinski čevlji, svetilka, pijača, oblačila za preoblečti, vetrovka, osebni dokument in študentska izkaznica.
Udeležba na pohodu je na lastno odgovornost, pogojena s predhodno prijavo in za študente in zaposlene na UP brezplačna. Potreben je lastni prevoz do parkirišča v vasi Osp (vodič lahko pelje 4 ljudi in skušamo uskladiti med prijavljenimi, da imajo vsi prevoz). Število udeležencev je omejeno na 15 oseb.
The Slovenian region is filled with many awe-inspiring mountains and hills, all inviting us to explore them and reach their summits.
Starting point: At 15:30 am at the parking lot in the village Osp. You can leave your personal cars in that parking lot.
Return point: At 18:30 am at the lage parking lot in the village Osp.
Difficulty: medium hard marked path (3 hours of walking)
Mandatory equipment: Hiking boots, flashlight, snacks and water, reserve clothing, windbreaker, personal ID and student card.
Attending the hike is at your own risk. Transport to Osp is not provided, therefore personal transport is required (our guide can take 4 people with him and we try to coordinate between the students, so that everyone gets a ride). Singing up ahead of time is mandatory and is free of charge for all students and employees of UP – you can find the form down below. The number of participants is limited to 15 people.