Metabolno zdravje (Metabolic health)
Zdrav življenjski slog, ki vključuje zdrave prehranjevalne navade in redno telesno aktivnost, je ključ do uspešnega študija. Namen delavnice Metabolno zdravje je, da študent spozna osnovne zakonitosti zdravega prehranjevanja in telesne vadbe ter osvoji veščine, s katerimi bo spremembe lahko uvedel tudi v vsakodnevnem življenju. Delavnica je namenjena vsem študentom, ki bi radi prejeli strokovne informacije na področju zdrave prehrane in telesne vadbe.
Delavnica bo potekala v prostorih Fakultete za vede o zdravju Izola.
Delavnica je za študente UP brezplačna. Število udeležencev je omejeno. Za udeležbo je potrebna predhodna prijava.
A healthy lifestyle which combines healthy eating habits and regular physical activity is the key to being a successful student. The purpose of the workshop Metabolic Health is to help students learn the basic workings of a healthy lifestyle and physical exercise and thus gain the skills necessary to incorporate this newfound information into their own lifestyle. The workshop is intended for all students who would like to gain new information from the fields of nutrition and exercise from an expert.
The workshop is free of charge for all students of UP. The number of participants is limited and you need to sign up in advance.