Sport UP team presentation

Sport UP team presentation

“I am Luka, a kinesiologist by training and at heart, but also Mr. Sport UP, dedicated to ensuring that the entire Sport UP team breathes, works, and grows together. We will meet at the gym, early in the morning at the pool, or you can join me on hikes around...
What’s new this week?

What’s new this week?

Check out the new activities that started this week! Monday: Skupinski tek (Group jogging) TBOX funkcionalna vadba Tuesday: Stoja na rokah (handstand workshop) Nogomet (Soccer) Bonifika Spletna gibalnica z Anjo (ZOOM) Plezanje (indoor climbing) Wednesday: Šah (Chess)...
First time using our webpage?

First time using our webpage?

Welcome to the Šport UP website! Below, we have prepared a brief overview of the functionalities that will help you effectively use the schedule and all its features. Schedule – Navigation and Registration for Activities You must register in advance for guided...
Wings for life Portorož APP run

Wings for life Portorož APP run

For several years now, the first Sunday in May (5 May) has been marked by the Wings for life run, which takes place in three ways – at a larger event, where runners are chased by a pursuit vehicle (this will be in Ljubljana) or with an app. This can be used by...
Fešta Latina – dance party

Fešta Latina – dance party

We invite you to join us on Tuesday evening (26. 3. 2024) at Havana club Koper! At 8 we will start with in introductory dance lesson so you can rehearse your dance moves! Beginners will find this as a great way to learn the basic steps and break the ice. Bring your...
Important! A change in the evening recreation schedule

Important! A change in the evening recreation schedule

From 23. 1. 2024 until 1. 2. 2024 the gym in the city centre will not be available! The volleyball and basketball will be available at STŠ Koper! We will adjust the schedule at STŠ Koper and add an additional volleyball field on Tuesdays:...
Prijava na e-novice

Prijava na e-novice

Prijavite se na naš seznam prejemnikov e-novic in obvestil naše ekipe.

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