Raeggeton za začetnike (dance workshop)
Vabljeni na delavnico plesa reggaetona, dinamičnega in energičnega plesnega stila, ki izvira iz Latinske Amerike. Reggaeton združuje ritmične elemente hip-hopa, plesa in reggae glasbe ter je znan po svoji izrazni naravi. Udeleženci bodo imeli priložnost osvojiti osnovne korake, ritmično gibanje ter izraziti svojo kreativnost skozi to živahno in zabavno plesno izkušnjo. Delavnica je primerna za vse ravni plesalcev in bo potekala pod strokovnim vodstvom izkušenih plesnih inštruktorjev.
Delavnica bo potekala v mali telovadnici v centru Kopra (ista staba vendar drug vhod – posnetek do vhoda najdete pod besedilom).
Za udeležbo je potrebna predhodna prijava! S prijavo se zavežete k obisku vseh srečanj (4)!
Join us for a dance workshop focusing on reggaeton, a dynamic and energetic dance style originating from Latin America. Reggaeton combines rhythmic elements of hip-hop, dance, and reggae music, known for its expressive nature. Participants will have the opportunity to learn basic steps, enhance their rhythmic skills, and express their creativity through this lively and enjoyable dance experience. The workshop is suitable for all levels of dancers and will be conducted under the expert guidance of experienced dance instructors.
Prior registration is required for participation! By registering, you commit to attending all sessions (4)!
Location – the small gym in the University gym in the center of Koper (same building sa the main gym but a different entrance – check the video below).
Delavnice se udekežujete na lastno odgovornost. You are attendind the workshop at your own risk.