2-dnevni pohod po kraškem robu (2 day exursion on the karst edge)
Prvi dvodnevni izlet s Šport UP nas bo po kraškem robu popeljal od italijanske meje do hrvaške meje.
Pot se bo pričela pri gradu Socerb in nas po razgibanem kraškem robu privedla do vasi Zazid, kjer se bo prvo noč prespalo. Naslednji dan bomo naredili ovinek skozi Hrastovlje do vasi Gračišče, od koder bo sledil še zadnji del poti, ki nas bo privedel do cilja – spodmolov pri Sočergi (Istrska ušesa).
Informacije o poti:
Skupna razdalja: 33 km
Višinska razlika: 1020 m
Šport UP bo kril stroške prevoza do izhodišča v Socerbu in povratno vožnjo iz Sočerge. Stroške nočitve v Zazidu bodo udeleženci krili sami.
Izlet še ni dokončno načrtovan, zato lahko pride do sprememb v poti in kraju nočitev!
Our first two-day hiking exursion! We will hike from the border with Italy to the border with Croatia.
The path starts at Socerb castle, goes along the karst edge and finishes in Zazid where we stay the night. Next day we continue through Hrastje and pass Gračišče. From there we have a straight path towards Sočerga at the border with Croatia, where we reach our final destination.
Total distance: 33 km
Height difference: 1020 m
Sport UP will cover the expense of the buss ride to Socerb and from Sočerga. The overnight stay will be covered by the attendees themselves.
The trip is not completely planed out yet as we are still sorting out the exact location for the over-night stay. The path may be altered.