
05 Maj 2024
Dogodek je minil!


12:00 - 18:00

Wings4life APP run Portorož

Prvo nedeljo v maju (5. maja) že nekaj let zaznamuje dobrodelni tek Wings for life, ki poteka na tri načine – na večjem dogodku, kjer tekače lovi zasledovalno vozilo (ta bo v Ljubljani) ali pa z aplikacijo. To lahko uporabi vsak, ki se bo na nedeljo ob 13.00 odpravil na tek, lahko pa se pridruži enemu od t. i. »app run« organiziranih tekov z aplikacijo, kjer vas lovi virtualni avtomobil. Letos bo tovrstni tek že drugič potekal ob morju v organizaciji Šport UP. Tekli bomo od stavbe UP FTŠ Turistica do zadnjega pomola portoroške plaže (krajši tek, obračališče po 2 km), do Seče (srednje dolg tek, 4,4 km v eno smer) ali do Sečoveljskih solin (8km).

For several years now, the first Sunday in May (5 May) has been marked by the Wings for life run, which takes place in three ways – at a larger event, where runners are chased by a pursuit vehicle (this will be in Ljubljana) or with an app. This can be used by anyone who is going to run on Sunday at 13:00, or you can join one of the “app runs” organised by the app, where you are chased by a virtual car. This year, for the second time, this type of run will take place by the sea, organised by Sport UP, which is responsible for the recreation of students and staff at the University of Primorska. We will run from the building of the UP FTŠ Turistica to the last pier of the Portorož beach (short run, turning point after 2 km), to Seče (medium run, 4.4 km one way) or to the Sečovlje Salt Pans (8 km).

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Prijava na e-novice

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