Aerobika (aerobics)
Vodena vadba 21.10.2024 ODPADE! The aerobics class is CANCELLED on 21.10.2024!
Aerobika temelji na sistematičnem izvajanju kardiovaskularnih vaj, ki vključujejo kombinacijo korakov, plesnih gibov in gibov z rokami. Med vadbo se doseže intenzivno srčno-žilno obremenitev, kar pripomore k izboljšanju vzdržljivosti, kurjenju kalorij ter izgradnji mišične moči in vzdržljivosti. Aerobika je priljubljena izbira vadbe zaradi svojega celostnega učinka na zdravje in dobro počutje, saj hkrati krepi telesno kondicijo in sprošča stres.
Vadba bo potekala v osnovni šoli Koper – oglejte si spodnji video posnetek, ki prikaže dostop do vadbenega prostora.
Aerobics exercise is based on the systematic execution of cardiovascular exercises, involving a combination of steps, dance movements, and arm motions. During the workout, an intense cardiovascular load is achieved, contributing to improved endurance, calorie burning, as well as the development of muscle strength and stamina. Aerobics is a popular choice for exercise due to its holistic impact on health and well-being, simultaneously enhancing physical fitness and relieving stress.
It will take place in the primary school Koper – you can check out the video below to see where exactly that is:
Vadbe se udeležujete na lastno odgovornost.
You are attending this activity at your own risk.